Friday, October 2, 2009

Speech/Language Therapy is More Than Just Talk

This week fifth and sixth grade language groups have focused on reading and explaining main ideas from a paragraph or selected passage. Sometimes the main idea may be stated right in the selection, or it may be implied. Students have practiced inferring the main idea, identifying supporting details, and then writing it in their own words. The Lakeview students were challenged to interpret the significance of the details and make further inferences. The children are using all of their language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking.

Other Lakeview students participated in cooperative activities to practice speech skills. Sharing a map of the Chicago lakefront, they gave and followed complex directions.

Third and fourth grade social communication groups watched a DVD featuring students who use good eye contact and body language to show others when they are interested and want to talk. Effective communication involves more than what we say. Mrs. Westra and Mrs. DeYoung co-teach some groups at Prairieview to help students improve social communication skills.

Students in articulation therapy reviewed how to formulate their target sounds and completed oral motor activities to strengthen the speech muscles. They continued to listen to each other and evaluate their articulation.

All of the students have shown good progress during the month of September.