Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Happenings

This week speech and language students enjoyed reading Halloween Mad Libs stories to practice oral reading while monitoring their speech production. Many of Mrs. DeYoung's students played holiday Bingo; forming sentences and definitions for Halloween words. Students in the self-contained class made potions and performed experiments to predict if various substances would sink or float and dissolve in water. They learned to form a hypothesis and collect data. Some students drew pictures of friendly monsters and then gave directions to their peers so that they would draw an identical creature. The children had to describe their illustrations and listen carefully to come up with drawings that looked alike. Students at the Jr. High used detailed descriptions and asked clarifying questions to produce similar drawings. Other seventh and eighth graders continued reading and writing activities that were begun last week. They have worked on inferential reasoning, practiced readers' theater, and written rough drafts of their book reviews.