Friday, January 30, 2009

Using Graphic Organizers

"Graphic organizers are valuable instructional tools. Unlike many tools that just have one purpose, graphic organizers are flexible and endless in application. One common trait found among graphic organizers is that they show the order and completeness of a student's thought process - strengths and weaknesses of understanding become clearly evident. " (

Graphic organizers can help students to summarize and comprehend information they have heard or read as well as assist them in preparing to write. All students, including children with language processing deficits, benefit.

Below is a list of ideas taken from on how to use graphic organizers with students.
  • Provide a graphic organizer tailored to a specific reading assignment in a content area textbook, such as science or civics. The students can use the graphic organizer to take notes. The notes can be used as discussion starters in the content area class or as study guides for an upcoming test or quiz.
  • Provide graphic organizers for your students to use as alternatives to book reports. Graphic organizers can be created for comparing characters, identifying the setting, mapping out the plot, etc.
  • Provide graphic organizers that your students can use to organize thoughts during brainstorming or pre-writing exercises.
  • Provide graphic organizers that your students can use to create the rough draft of a writing assignment.

Graphic Organizing-A strategy that works!