Practice contributing to discussions by:
- Looking at the people who are talking.
- Waiting for a point when no one else is talking.
- Making a short, appropriate comment that relates to the topic being discussed.
- Choosing works that will not be offensive or confusing to others.
- Giving other people a chance to talk.
Practice keeping the conversation going by:
- Maintaining a relaxed but attentive posture. Nod your head to give ongoing encouragement.
- Asking follow-up questions that pertain to what the other person has just said.
- Avoiding fidgeting, looking away or yawning.
- Not interrupting
- Taking turns in the conversation and saying excuse me when interruption of others occurs
Closing the conversation by:
- Changing topics only when everyone appears to be finished talking about a particular issue.
- Changing to a topic that somehow relates to the previous one.
- Allowing everyone a chance to talk about the current topic.
- Waiting for a comfortable break in the conversation to leave.
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